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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Become a Writer

Become a writer for this website. The more help the more fun on! Yay so all you have to do is the following:

Email: If you don't have one, please don't apply because we have to send you the link and without a link you can't be an official memeber.
Age: 13 years or older. (Don't lie because honestsy is the best policy)
Name: Just you name, please don't put your nickname, last name or middle name
Stardoll Username: We encourage you to be a S.S but if you feel to be one if your regular member apply please!
What position do you want to apply for?
A) Fashion Finder
B) News director
C) Assit. Manager
D) Other- List it by "Other"
Thank you and we will get back to our fellow viewer and dicuss this with the SWN's Admin.

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