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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stardoll's 50% Off Sale

                                                          Yes you heard right. Stardoll's Starplaza is having a SALE. 50% off ALL items in Riveria,Tingeling, and Glow. This isn't JUST a sale. These stores have wonderful things. Tingeling had these amazing navy blue heels that are now 27 starcoins! I bought them! Glow had the stuff if you like the spolights then you can get the lights and stuff like that for under 80 starcoins. Some of the stuff is stardollars though. Poo! I know. Riveria had some nice bikinis and swim suits for under 20 stardollars. Nothing there for starcoins though. I wish it did have that though! Check it out and take advantage!
XOXO - Stardoll News Crew

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